The idea of worship is age-old for followers of Christ. When we think of it today, in modern speak, we often think of singing together in a Sunday morning church service. Others see it as our life-sacrifice obligation to Christ and His mission.
How can we know for certain what...
For those with ambitious goals, it is very tempting to look where others have gone and envy their success. Even though comparison steals our joy, it's easy to stumble into it.
The worst part, it doesn't stop there. It's not long before we are resentful that others have it better...
Managing a high-level output in our career is one thing. Doing so while reporting to a stressed-out boss is another thing entirely. We are tempted to slip into that same stressed mindset with each interaction. This is not sustainable. So, how can we respond in a righteous way...
We all experience negative emotion in the workplace. I think it fair to say we all realize negative emotions don't serve our career very well. In this group executive coaching session I explore a new way to consider the possible causes of the negative emotion and some really fantastic...
The Client Tools Used Series:
This series of videos contains brief overviews of the tools I use with all clients. These videos are not available on YouTube and are designed for you, my treasured Members.
The Tool: 3-Step Centered Breathing
The higher up the chain of command you go, the more responsibility...
The Client Tools Used Series:
This series of videos contains brief overviews of the tools I use with all clients. These videos are not available on YouTube and are designed for you, my treasured Members.
The Tool: Anabolic vs Catabolic Energy
Using a metaphor from our metabolic pathways, this short video helps...
This five-and-a-half minute video is for all entrepreneur who sell service products.
Each year you only seem to be breaking even and your not sure why. Chances are good it's your pricing strategy. Most customers want to pay a fixed-rate, a flat fee, for your complex...
“The heart is deceitful above all things and beyond cure, who can understand it?” – Jeremiah 17:9
“Have you recently had the feeling there is more to do than you could achieve in a day, a week or even a month?”
This is the intro question for...
The usefulness of this tool is not in taking it once, although it will help you when you take it now, but taking it once per quarter. It's a a compact scale for the measurement of psychological well-being developed in 1989 by psychologists Michael Argyle and Peter Hills at...
I travel across North America conducting this very unique Christian Professionals Workshop. This particular video was captured at the Greater Philadelphia Church of Christ in the great state of Pennsylvania. Some elements of the workshop can be found in other videos within this membership section and yet, the workshop...