Many times have I heard the question: "Why do bad things happen to good people?" And yet we have Proverbs 13:21, pointing us in a different direction -- "Misfortune pursues the sinner, but prosperity is the reward of the righteous." That sounds better, doesn't it? Especially the part about...
No one wants to be foolish…even less so a fool. How can we, as devoted followers of Christ, know if we are being a rich fool in our professional aspirations? The answer is found in God word, in general, and some really unexpected places, specifically. I'll give...
The next installment in my series of FREE Saturday morning Group Coaching sessions. One of the key contributors that keep Christian professionals from pursuing mid and high-level corporate leadership roles is the fear of having to play politics. Truth is, politics don't exist. The behavior we see in...
The next installment in my series of FREE Saturday morning Group Coaching sessions. One of the key contributors that keep Christian professionals from pursuing mid and high-level corporate leadership roles is the fear of having to play politics. Truth is, politics don't exist. The behavior we see in...
The usefulness of this tool is not in taking it once, although it will help you when you take it now, but taking it once per quarter. It's a a compact scale for the measurement of psychological well-being developed in 1989 by psychologists Michael Argyle and Peter Hills at...
The Life Wheel worksheet is another simple but effective self-assessment along the eight dimensions of maintaining a balanced life, specifically in the framework of balancing with a professional career. Just as a wheel is smooth when balanced, this tool allows you to better understand where the bumps occur in...
The Leadership Wheel worksheet is a simple but effective self-assessment along the eight dimensions of effective leadership. Just as a wheel is smooth when balanced, this tool allows you to better understand where the bumps occur in your leadership role. It will highlight areas of development. These are the...
The Future You worksheet leverages a technique professional athletes have been using for a hundred years: Visualization.
God designed us to automatically pursue a task once we make it an intention. This is known as the Zeigarnik Effect. Using this attached template, you will set a future state for your...
I travel across North America conducting this very unique Christian Professionals Workshop. This particular video was captured at the Greater Philadelphia Church of Christ in the great state of Pennsylvania. Some elements of the workshop can be found in other videos within this membership section and yet, the workshop...
At a 14,000-attendee Christian conference in St. Louis called REACH, 420 people came to this Saturday afternoon class to hear about Christian Executive Coaching in the workplace. The crowd was completely engaged for the 90-minute presentation, so much so that nearly 250 stayed for another 90 minutes to ask...